For entrepreneurs and investors.

We are committed to providing funds to woman-founded and people-of-color businesses.
This targeted approach aims to empower and amplify the voices of women in the entrepreneurial space.


The fund invests predominantly woman-founded and marginalized businesses. We accept applications year round and distribute funding quarterly.



The first step in entering the funding process is submitting an online application. This process includes filling out an application with an overview of your company, including a summary of your financials.


Accredited investors are invited to participate in the fund.



We’re committed to supporting women and marginalized entrepreneurs through mentorship and funding for success. Small businesses are crucial for economic growth and technological advancement, requiring essential support in their early stages. Unfortunately, in 2022, only 2.1% of venture capital went to women, and the situation is even worse for women founders of color, with less than 1% investment.

Build Your Business with


Why You Should Invest in


Empowering Growth,
Empowering Change

We celebrate and empower the potential of overlooked visionaries and innovators, particularly women and marginalized founders leading early-stage ventures. By strategically deploying capital and employing an adaptable investment strategy, we nurture diverse portfolios that not only yield returns but also spark significant systemic transformation.


Funding Process

Overall Process
Funding Criteria

What’s the overall process for investment?

1. Complete the Application:
The first step in entering the funding process is our online application. This process includes filling out an application with an overview of your company, including a summary of your financials. You’ll also upload an investor presentation.

2. Initial Review:
Investment analysts perform an initial screening of the application to ensure it is within our scope of interest. If you pass the initial review stage, you will be invited to present at a pre-screening call.

3. Pre-Screen Call:
A short call with a MinervaFund representative, consisting of a pitch between 8-15 minutes, followed by Q&A, totaling 30-45 minutes. The purpose of this pre-screening call is to determine if you are ready to present to a partner and give you constructive feedback to improve your presentation. You’ll receive feedback, and if you pass the pre-screen, you’ll be invited to speak with a partner.

4. Partner Presentation:
Typically a virtual call up to 30-minutes, consisting of a 10-minute pitch and 15-minutes of questions and answers. If there is mutual interest, we will proceed to due diligence.

5. Due Diligence:
Please see list below for more detail.

6. Selection:
Partners will select qualified candidates to be offered term sheets.

7. Funding:
Upon agreement, MinervaFund typically invests $25,000 – $75,000 per company.

What are Minerva’s Funding Criteria?

Team Strength
As early stage (Seed+) investors, we’re very interested in founding teams’ strengths and weaknesses. We look for teams with excellent product, market, financial balance. We also look for companies with well-architected equity structures, designed to encourage engagement throughout the startup period.

Revenue Model
We favor companies with clear revenue and business models. We’re looking for clarity around customers and the exchange of value at scale.

Corporate Structure
We favor companies which are well constructed with solid operating agreements, founders’ agreements, clear financials and so forth. We’re looking for corporations designed to go the distance.

Fundraising Package Quality
Of course, we’re interested in the quality of your fundraising package. We look for clear vision, executable plans, well thought out analyses, with tested premises and clear milestones.

Product Market Fit
One of the most important parts of any early-stage company is product-market fit. We’re looking for companies with products that sell themselves and customers who look forward to purchasing.

Go-to-Market Strategy & Plan
We look for companies with clear go-to-market strategies and executable plans. It’s important to have product-market fit, and it’s just as important to know how you’re going to deliver that product to your customers quickly and efficiently.

Moats & Keeps
How do you keep the good guys in and the bad guys out? We’re looking for companies with privileged defensible access to opportunity and sustainable strategic advantages.

Unit Economics
Not every great idea can profit at scale. How will your company meet growing demand in cost-efficient ways that establish and grow the bottom line?

Founders Coachability
An often overlooked, yet critical, component to early-stage success. Every company is creating something new, and that always entails learning in multiple dimensions. We look for founding teams who are committed to grow and develop and aren’t afraid to ask for help.

Apply for Funding

Do you have an innovative idea that seeks support? Are you a woman-founded or people of color business with a groundbreaking concept?

The MinervaFund is here to help propel visions to success. Apply now to explore the support options available.

Apply as an Investor

Accredited investors are invited to participate in the fund.

Watch this space for an update.

Meet Our Team

In collaboration with Amy Wister and Alex Chompff, the MinervaFund propels innovation and our economy forward. We acknowledge that securing funding, particularly for first-time entrepreneurs, can be a daunting challenge. Whether you seek seed funding, venture capital, or crowdfunding, we provide you with the essential tools and knowledge for success.

Rachel Zillner


Rachel, Clutch co-founder, leads a top consultancy. Awards: 2018 Executive Woman of the Year, 2023 Entrepreneur of the Year. She champions marginalized-owned businesses, empowering underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Anne Descalzo


Anne, Clutch co-founder, leads a women-owned consultancy, mentors, invests, and holds multiple leadership accolades. She prioritizes supporting women-founded businesses due to her commitment to fostering gender equality in entrepreneurship and empowering women’s economic empowerment.

Alex Chompff

Lead General Partner

Former Marine turned tech entrepreneur. Co-founder of NatureTrak, processing $2B+ in cannabis transactions. Active in Sacramento Angels, mentoring at academic institutions, and driving innovation in Northern California.

Amy Wister

Venture Partner

Amy, MBA graduate, ex-Intel and Milgard leader turned CEO at RevShopp, innovates shopping with Body Shape Intelligence™. A visionary speaker, servant leader, and community builder.